Embark on a journey of enchantment with this captivating photo frame, where cherished memories spring to life. Personalized 3d LED photo frame is meticulously crafted, this frame boasts an innovative 3D effect, weaving a mesmerizing visual narrative that captivates the senses. Its sleek design effortlessly enhances any home decor, infusing a modern elegance into your surroundings. With built-in LED lights casting a warm and inviting glow, it sets the perfect ambiance for any space, be it your living room or office desk. Customize the frame with a cherished image, transforming it into a truly heartfelt gift.
Takes about 3 to 4 working days for dispatch. Once the order is placed please email us photo on connect@decography.co.in with the order number as subject
Personalized 3D LED Photo Frame
Photo Size : 5* 5 inches
Frame Size: 6.5 * 6.5 inches
Fitting : Wired , with stand
Light : Warm / White depending on availability
Materail : PLA , its an eco friendly materail
What you see is what you get. Our products images match 99 percent to actual product. Incase of breakage we replace the product. You need to provide unboxing video within 24 working hours of delivery. Please note AWB number needs to be visible while unboxing.